Play-Doh Words
1. Roll 2. Create 3. Mold 4. Pretend Play-Doh Sentences 1. I can roll the Play-Doh into a ball. 2. I can create a cookie with the Play-Doh. 3. I can mold the Play-Doh into a square. 4. I can pretend the Play-Doh is a cookie. Play-Doh Activities 1. Create a word using Play-Doh letters. 2. Make something out of the Play-Doh. 3. Pretend to have a picnic with Play-Doh food.
Ice Cream Words:
1. Scoop 2. Flavor 3. Melting Ice Cream Sentences: 1. Can I please have one scoop of vanilla ice cream. 2. My favorite ice cream flavor is mint chocolate chip. 3. I think my ice cream is melting. Ice Cream Activity: 1. Create pretend ice cream scoops with construction paper. 2. Build a pretend ice cream truck with a cardboard box. 3. Pretend to have ice cream with your stuffed animal, doll, or superhero. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? |
November 2021